Footwork – Passive Trait Guide

The Footwork passive trait, in the video game Remnant: From the Ashes.
Remnant: From the Ashes – Passive Trait Guide


+1.25% Aim Move Speed Per Level
+25% Aim Movement Speed at maximum level (20)

Swamps of Corsus

You must own the Swamps of Corsus DLC to unlock this trait!

Footwork’s Aim Movement Speed Effect

Footwork provides a bonus to your character’s movement speed while aiming down the sights of ranged weapons. This is a pretty useful bonus, as aiming has a tendency to slow you down significantly, you have to aim to shoot, and you generally have to shoot things to stop them from hurting you. With both Swiftness and Footwork maxed out, you will have a much easier time sidestepping things like the thrown javelins in Rhom, axes in Yaesha and other projectiles that would normally hit you if you didn’t drop the sights to move away or roll.

If you are being bum rushed by melee attackers, you will still need to run or roll away, as they aren’t going to be stunted by the relative difference.

Note that the bonus to Aim Move speed granted by Footwork, is in addition to the base move speed offered by Swiftness, thus it is worth going for Footwork after maxing out the other Trait, since Swiftness helps you in all movement.

The Footwork passive trait at level 20, in the video game Remnant: From the Ashes.
The Footwork passive trait at level 20.

How to Find the Footwork Trait

You can find the Footwork Trait by killing the Iskal Queen (boss version) in Corsus adventure mode. This is different from the Iskal Queen that you will find as a vendor in the open, outdoor area of the map, often during story mode. The boss version you are looking for, resides in an underground throne room, named Iskal Temple, you’ll find like any other boss dungeon. Also keep in mind, this works in adventure only, and while currently an unconfirmed theory of mine, I highly suspect based on my own playthroughs, that one must finish their story mode campaign first.

Bonus: If you give the Queen the Guardian’s Heart in your campaign, she will be friendly upon meeting her and will give you a Cryptolith Sigil item, which is later used to unlock 3 different unique rewards. Once you grab the item, you can threaten her in conversation to start the boss fight, which be forewarned, is fairly difficult and is best attempted later in your progression when you are well equipped and have lots of traits maxed out.

The Iskal Queen, boss version, in the Iskal Temple dungeon, found in the world zone of Corsus in the video game, Remnant: From The Ashes.
The Iskal Queen, boss version, in the Iskal Temple dungeon.
The boss version of the Iskal Queen atop her throne. You can fight her through the dialog option seen here.
The boss version of the Iskal Queen atop her throne. You can fight her through the dialog option seen here.

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